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Registered Userbflo_guy

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Comments Received by bflo_guy
Showing 21 - 30 of ~50
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Big Step
09/05/2012 04:13:41 AM
Big Step
by bflo_guy

Comment by antje1777:
Will you marry me:-)
Big Step
09/05/2012 12:06:41 AM
Out of the Turn
06/15/2012 06:41:12 PM
Out of the Turn
by bflo_guy

Comment by marabu61:
very dynamic. superb cycling shot
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Can't push through
06/13/2012 10:04:17 PM
Can't push through
by bflo_guy

Comment by spiritualspatula:
RE: your forum request for comments.
I voted this a 5. For me, a 5 means it did something decent and was likely lacking elsewhere. Here, I like your idea, your premise, but it lacked punch, effect. There was no feeling of desperation here. Clawing, harder pushing, barely grasping the fence, tensed arm tendons- all of these imply hard times, struggle, and are all missing. I think a bit wider treatment would be better visually, but may or may not have been possible considering your location.

As a general aside, your focus does seem a bit deeper than it ought to be (backfocus). The fence that is more distant than the hand is sharp, but the hand is somewhat soft. This will be voted down by many on DPC, but I think the main issue was that it lacked strength of emotion (though, obviously I wasn't the only in thinking this, per the comment you received).
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Out of the Turn
06/13/2012 03:41:39 PM
Out of the Turn
by bflo_guy

Comment by cutout:
would have cropped it more 8
Photographer found comment helpful.
Can't push through
06/06/2012 11:26:06 PM
Can't push through
by bflo_guy

Comment by neenee1999:
Very moving.
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Hiding by the Lake
05/10/2012 01:37:40 PM
Hiding by the Lake
by bflo_guy

Comment by JamesDowning:
To me, this needs a little more thought behind the composition, and maybe a little more saturation. Bring out that red roof and the pink flowers more.
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Hiding by the Lake
05/09/2012 01:49:39 PM
Hiding by the Lake
by bflo_guy

Comment by EL-ROI:
I like the landscape. It's nice and bright and shows off the spring season. Water is always a good element to have and you have nice framing with the trees. I would say to move in and shoot with a wider focal length to get rid of the uninteresting foreground. Or zoom in from that position to include more of the middle of the scene framed by the trees further out to the edges. Another option could have been to shoot lower from that position to get a better perspective with the foreground included.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Paddling Around Together
04/10/2012 01:38:51 PM
Paddling Around Together
by bflo_guy

Comment by giantmike:
I think if you had a tighter crop, this image could have had much more impact. The foreground is really getting in the way for me.
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Paddling Around Together
04/10/2012 10:32:32 AM
Paddling Around Together
by bflo_guy

Comment by amzelda:
The blurred branches in the foreground are a distraction and the ducks are a bit out of focus and small.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 21 - 30 of ~50

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