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Comments Received by aroma
Showing 11 - 20 of ~33
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olde worlde
06/25/2002 05:18:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by karmat:
this is a neat view. sorry the sky was so cloudy for you, a blue sky would've been awesome. black and white would work really well, I think, and give an "older" appearance.
olde worlde
06/25/2002 09:54:00 AM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by Froober:
I wish the skies were brighter...bluer. I like the photo but it's not one I'd want to look at a lot...kind of depressing. I'd crop some of the sky out so you could get more detail on the clock tower. 7
olde worlde
06/25/2002 02:15:00 AM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by malapropam:
I like the sombre mood this evokes...and the feeling of things going on that we can't see....its growing on me!
olde worlde
06/24/2002 10:15:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by jmsetzler:
Nice rooftop shot :) I wish there was some way to punch up the color on this one a little more but the weather was not working with you on this one :( I definitely like the clock tower... I wonder where this is? = 6 - jmsetzler
olde worlde
06/24/2002 05:16:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by chariot:
Its a great photo but it doesn't convey to me city life.
olde worlde
06/24/2002 05:02:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by justine:
Some view of these building. Interesting shot...are you on the roof. Fun work. Kee
olde worlde
06/24/2002 04:01:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by RedRuthann:
Seems like the sampling was off (me too). I like the photo - personally I may have cropped it just a bit. Overall nice job.
olde worlde
06/24/2002 12:26:00 PM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by lmhr:
nice... : )
olde worlde
06/24/2002 09:54:00 AM
olde worlde
by aroma

Comment by myqyl:
Concidering our editting constraints, you did a good job getting texure in the sky. It could have used more, but very hard to do without selection tools. Parts of the church seem to blend with the roof you are on. I don't think the roof (bottom 6th of the shot) belongs in it at all. If you could have moved to the right and forward (without falling to your death) you might have had a better shot. The buildings on the left are a nice contrast to the old.
05/17/2002 03:48:00 PM
by aroma

Comment by zayno:
try a little harder next time
Showing 11 - 20 of ~33

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