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Registered UserAshezz

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Comments Received by Ashezz
Showing 1 - 10 of ~47
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Water Fun
01/27/2004 05:13:30 PM
Water Fun
by Ashezz

Comment by GoldBerry:
it took me FOREVER to figure out what this is..now that I see it, I know that if it were in focus at all it would be a nice photo and good idea. The metal [knife] on metal [sink] would've created a cool effect with the running water....

Message edited by author 2004-01-27 17:13:54.
December Salute
01/14/2004 07:19:23 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by GinaRothfels:
You should have moved slightly to one side. I don't like that flagpole coming out of his head.
December Salute
01/12/2004 10:50:06 AM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by lizardbeth:
A flash would have eliminated the shadow across his eyes. Also, the flag pole growing out of his head is unfortunate.
December Salute
01/12/2004 02:42:57 AM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by Natator:
It's a shame the top of the flag got cut and the shadow in the bottom left doesn't help. Ok shot otherwise.
December Salute
01/10/2004 06:48:14 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by Azrifel:
This photo would have looked so much better if you had taken it from a position more to the right. Not only you more to the right, but also your subject. Try to create the situation that the guy stands next to the flagpole, while his body covers the parked vehicles. The more rightward shooting angle would also take out the powerline cariers at the right.
Try to include the whole flag, by standing back and zooming in. Standing back would also avoid that shadow. A reflector on the ground could fill in the eye area. Eyes are one of the most important aspects in portaiture.
I am sure that this guy's time is limited, but shooting at a time when the sun is lower and more reddish could also fill in the shadow under the eye and give a more balanced color & tone response.
December Salute
01/08/2004 11:37:50 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by Shannon:
To bad the top of the flag is cut off, background is also a little busy. 5
December Salute
01/07/2004 09:19:44 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by cimarron98:
The flag or the soldier? You must decide wich dominate the shoot. Good try. Luck.
December Salute
01/07/2004 05:38:16 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by lockjawdavis:
Composition could've been better.
December Salute
01/06/2004 05:08:19 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by Neuferland:
I'm guessing this is someone who came home or on their way out? A wonderful idea but the shot itself really leaves me wanting. The set up is a bit off, the flag pole looks like it's coming out of his head and the shot itself is a bit blurry. I think you wanted the flag in the shot but the set up could have been different. The cropping is a bit loose on the sides and if he was more to the side of the flag pole. A 4

Whoever it is, please tell them thank you from me and my family for their service and willingness to serve.
December Salute
01/06/2004 11:27:21 AM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by johnny_justjohnny:
gotta watch out for those vertical lines.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~47

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