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Comments Received by Ashezz
Showing 11 - 20 of ~47
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December Salute
01/05/2004 01:00:44 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by birgir:
Shadow down in the corner, you cut of the leg and some of the flag ... bas quality ... not much to say about this image ... I give you 2.
December Salute
01/05/2004 04:49:31 AM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by jonpink:
much noise in the sky, would have gotten lower and shoot man from ground to give presence
December Salute
01/04/2004 07:54:35 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by xhoss:
this image has potential. The shadow, powerlines, cars, houses, cut off flag, and trees all detract from the strong central subjects ( soldier and flag ) If you were to reshoot this from a low angle ( read: get on your knees or set up a tripod low - and shoot up at the subject). This will serve to do a couple of things. One, it will cut out all of the clutter - you will only see the soldier, the flag pole, and the flag. Clean and simple. Something tells me that you don't really want the volkswagen in there anyway - if it doesn't help convey your point or emotion, cut it out. Two, shooting up at your subject gives a feeling of power - which is appropriate with this subject. This technique will help you compose a shot with a less than ideal background. Now, having said all that, I'm only going to include the main subjects in my scoring of this pic. The cut off flag and overexposed "badge" are the only real detractors. 5.
December Salute
01/02/2004 10:29:28 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by jenesis:
Wonderful Idea and I see you were trying hard to get the entire flag in the picture. Hard to do from that distance. :) One suggestion would be to have tried to keep the powerline tower out of the shot. Great theme, though.
December Salute
01/02/2004 08:56:28 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by schnigitty:
Looks like the flag is growing out of his head.
December Salute
01/02/2004 05:54:17 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by oskar:
Really would like to see the rest of that flag :/
December Salute
01/02/2004 02:43:56 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by drydoc:
The flag growing out of his hat detracts form the shot. A tighter shot would have eliminated some of the background distractions.
December Salute
01/02/2004 12:21:09 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by peecee:
too much of a snapshot for me.
December Salute
01/01/2004 04:24:36 PM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by russi:
This picture totaly suck, sorry dude
December Salute
01/01/2004 08:46:14 AM
December Salute
by Ashezz

Comment by jmsetzler:
there is a flagpole growing out of his head :)
Showing 11 - 20 of ~47

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