hashtagComment by FrankRobinson: Hi Arye, welcome to the Critique Zone!
Anything I write is, of course, subjective so I just hope that you find something useful here.
Technically, its not a bad shot. Focus is bang on and you have a reasonable DOF, which suits the style. I am not sure why you pushed up to ISO 1000 - given the shutter speed, you could have easily brought this down to maybe 200. The noise doesn't show so maybe its a typo? The lighting, in my opinion lets this down a little - clearly just natural light, it is flat and harsh - not appealing.
Artistically, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this just doesnt grab me - the composition with the pillar straight down the middle cuts this into two photos - either of which I think might have worked better: the right hand story of departures, arrivals and travel, or the left hand story of the guy waiting, with those great reflections behind him. My money is on the left.
It needs some artistic focus, a story if you like, and it needs some help with the lighting. I think that might grab the viewer more.
Happy hunting,