GrundleComment by nephrotic: I cannot make up my mind about this one -
It seems it would be better in a more photojournalist category -
It makes me think more of Gemini the twins than Cancer the crab and it just leaves me confused.
The challenge says "Take your best photo representing one of these signs" but even with the title I feel I am not seeing something. Perhaps it is too depply hidden. I am wondering if these girls are upset because someone has "cancer".
In a conventional "Print judging" competition I think this would have fallen at the first judging where a print gets a 2 or 3 second look and then put on the "reject" or "further consideration" pile.
It would have missed out not because of the technie, quality etc but on "does it meet the quidelines of the challenge".
I know there is a great debate on the forums regarding what some people interpret as "meeting the challenge". I however look at the challenges as requiring a very link - it can be obtuse but must still be obvious. I also believe the picture cannot rely on a title to bridge the gap.
There are a lot of voters on here that will balance my rather extreme ideas and so in the long run I do not think your overall score will suffer because at the end of the day its still a good photograph.