Try to Walk in My Shoesby
HoghemaruComment by smardaz: Greetings from the Critique Club!
First and foremost, welcome to DPC!
My first impression of the image is that I like the lines and angles and perspective from which you shot. I like the tones of the black and white conversion but there is something about the processing that is not setting right with me. I can't tell what it is, like, maybe there was a lot of noise in the shot and a lot of smoothing was applied. Hard to say without knowing your post processing steps, but it may be part of what kept this image from scoring a little higher.
I think also it was hurt by the crop, I feel like if I saw all of the antenna and a little more of the roof or window that it would connect with me more.
You should be encouraged by the avg score of the commenters and from the fact that your first entry was a 5.3 which is not always easy to do your first time. Also, 12 comments is a good showing, your picture moved people to comment and that is more important than the score!
Keep submitting and learning, and if, after entering a few challenges, you feel DPC is a good fit for you and you would like to become a member, send me a message. I can help :)