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Registered Userheadlesspiderman

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Comments Received by headlesspiderman
Showing 1 - 10 of ~56
Image Comment
09/05/2015 08:01:52 AM
by headlesspiderman

Comment by sidpixel:
*Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*

A unique choice that partially meets the challenge.

Your choice of subject fills the brief in the respect that it is not animal, bug, etc but it could be construed to be animated in that there is action in the flow of the water itself so its possible that this may be reflected in your score.

The image itself has limited appeal due to the shallow DOF and image noise but the subject itself is not really that interesting either. Given your settings you could have reduced the noise with ISO 3200 which would still have given you about 1/4000s plenty fast enough to stop the action. Perhaps a lower viewpoint may have enabled you to emphasise the flow as a peak against the level of the surrounding water but as it is it is just not that interesting, sorry.

Thanks for your submission and apologies for the delayed critique, as they say, 'better late than never', or at least I hope it is, Sid
Statutue 2
08/30/2015 06:45:33 AM
Statutue 2
by headlesspiderman

Comment by sidpixel:
*Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*

An interesting image that probably does not meet the challenge.

Since the challenge brief is to let your partner know what you want for Christmas, we are made to believe that this statue is want you wanted for Christmas? I would be surprised if that was your actual wish? I would imagine your low score is confirmation of a similar reaction from your voters

The original image is appealing, you have a nice composition with good exposure and detail. I have to be honest and say that I am not a fan of most of the special effect filters and would have preferred to see it without.

Apologies for the delayed critique, as they say, better late than never, Sid
Solar System 1
07/28/2015 05:50:30 PM
Solar System 1
by headlesspiderman

Comment by sidpixel:
*Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*

An image with room for improvement that meets the challenge.

Being the fun challenge it is it leaves plenty of scope to submit anything you want without having to rack your brains for a title ΓΆ€“ but you did! Never mind, you still got a lot of good responses.

The image itself is excessively noisy, this may have been deliberate intent on your part?
There are significant halos, this may have been deliberate intent on your part?
There are significant fringes, this may have been deliberate intent on your part?
The background should be uniform and extend below the stand.
The two blue ridges are very distracting and the lighting reflections on the base are also very distracting.

I'm not really sure how much of this resulting image was your intention or perhaps the result of a lack of experience? If you would like me to try and make further constructive critique perhaps you could provide me with the answers to my questions.

So, a title?
Interplanetary, most extraordinary
Thanks for submitting, Sid
A Glimpse into Poverty
07/13/2015 11:26:07 AM
A Glimpse into Poverty
by headlesspiderman

Comment by sidpixel:
*Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*

There is an air of mystery in your image but your intent is not obvious to me. In respect of the challenge any desat will enable you to meet the challenge so it has achieved that.

You have made a conscious decision to compose your image in the way you have which is sort of effective but I think this is a case where the rule of thirds may have been better certainly for the brolly. I'm all for breaking the 'rules' but it has to be done effectively and I'm not sure it is here.

You have chosen well with the brolly it adds interest in its own right but even more so with the desat background. The grill in the wall breaks up the expanse nicely, without it the wall would be very bland and uninteresting.

If there was some human element it would greatly improve the image and give it the impact it lacks. I have to be honest and say that I don't understand your title in relation to the image. Titles are very important to give your viewer more of a clue as to your motivation or intention behind the original image.

I also don't understand your sole commenter, he appears to approve of your image yet only scores it with a 1. Having never yet come across any image that deserves such a low score I just can't understand why he has done this.

Happy shooting Sid
A Glimpse into Poverty
05/06/2015 11:27:37 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Solar System 1
03/24/2015 10:44:14 PM
Solar System 1
by headlesspiderman

Comment by GeneralE:
Solar System 1
03/24/2015 08:32:29 PM
Solar System 1
by headlesspiderman

Comment by streetpigeon:
Tootsie Roll Pop Menorah
Solar System 1
03/24/2015 11:14:23 AM
Solar System 1
03/23/2015 10:47:15 PM
Solar System 1
by headlesspiderman

Comment by Jules1x:
Interesting image, the image seems to have a lot of noise. There are some blue 'halos' round the planets that almost make the image seem unreal.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Solar System 1
03/23/2015 05:29:19 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~56

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