Homage to Three Worldsby
VBWComment by sidpixel: *Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*
I must admit, whilst obviously, I've heard of MC Escher I had not heard of his three worlds so I had to google it, delightful. A competent image that meets the challenge and should have scored better, It certainly doesn’t deserve all those sub fours.
I really don't think you have a problem with the focus, you have to accept that you are shooting through water which inevitably is not going to give you the same sharpness as air. At least you have managed to avoid the common problem in this situation of focussing on the waters surface which certainly would have rendered the fish soft. If you manage to come up with the magic formula in post-processing that will render unsharp images sharp then I will be delighted to hear from you.
As you rightly point out the 'pollen' on the waters surface is distracting and would benefit from removal and it may be this alone that has resulted in its lower than deserved score. I know its removal would have been tedious but I think it would have been worthwhile. Perhaps a quicker approach would have been to select these with colour range and simply subdue them thus making them much less conspicuous.
I like the dynamic shape and the dorsal fin just breaking the surface, I like its vivid colouring, I like the distorted reflections from the ripples, the reflections themselves are not too bad either, shame there weren't the leaves to complete your homage but a very good attempt I would say.
Happy fishingâ€Â¦ Sid