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Registered UserShojuro

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Comments Received by Shojuro
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Image Comment
10/22/2015 10:01:52 AM
by Shojuro

Comment by sidpixel:
Hello from the Critique Club

An appealing image that is deemed to meet the challenge

A potentially good effort but marred by focus and DOF softness. My own perception of bokeh has always been much more clearly identified with specular highlights as opposed to soft or OOF areas which is where I would place your entry. The challenge brief would also seem to veer more towards the soft focus rendering than my own interpretation so feel free to ignore my comments.

I think you have probably made the best job you could in the circumstances but there is too little of the spider in sharp enough focus for it to work effectively. Its one of the limitations of macro work but the closer you are to the subject the shallower the DOF. I see from your settings that at your chosen aperture you were already on a high ISO with too slow a shutter speed to hand hold. Ideally, you ought to have had a tripod with a smaller aperture, say f16, use manual focus with magnified live view and using a remote release or the self timer you would not have had any camera shake but a sharper image with good focus and DOF.

I like your composition it works well, thanks for your entry, Sid
10/05/2015 11:35:44 PM
by Shojuro

Comment by Revecca:
This would be an awesome shot if it was slightly better focused. Spiders are tough though!
10/04/2015 09:07:31 PM
by Shojuro

Comment by Jules1x:
Ewwww to the spider. Nice to the Bokeh.
10/04/2015 01:01:43 PM
by Shojuro

Comment by Pangurban:
Clever image but would have liked the subject to be a little sharper
Showing 1 - 4 of ~4

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