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Comments Received by gfkeenan
Showing 21 - 26 of ~26
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No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 07:44:46 PM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by Falc:
Opposite what ? - Ahh ok opposite directions (boat/geese).
So lets look at the image and work out why I couldn't figure that out.....
The composition of the image doesn't lead me to see these two elements as being the main points. Sure the boat is big and bright, but the geese are small and almost incidental. A very different angle and/or crop might have given a better lead into the frame.
I think you needed to be very much closer to the birds to give them equal space in the frame.

A couple of other points while I'm looking at the image more closely....
the horizon is tilted - fix this in PS. In fact you could crop it just above the boat. Theres a whole 1/3 of the frame wasted with no foreground, again a goose or some otheer foreground object would be ideal to fill this emptyness.
The yellow jetski is only half in the frame, you shouldn't have things 'hanging'. The tree at the top breaks the horizon line, which is another of the golden rules, like the rule of thirds.

There's a lot which can be learned from a picture like this if you look closely enough.
Next challenge, try to work up the composition to lead the eye to you main subject(s), make sure they are prominent, and are situated on the golden 1/3rd lines. Check the edges of the frame for hanging artefacts, make sure the camera is level and focussed.
Then take the shot.

Hope that helps to explain why I rated it so low.

Photographer found comment helpful.
No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 03:23:26 PM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by NRRon:
Sorry, but there are lots of things wrong with this picture. Most important is that it is just a snapshot, not really a picture of any unusual merit. The geese and boats are too ordinary to be interesting. The landscape is insufficiently beautiful. Technically , the focus is either not sharp or your camera has too few megapixels to give a clear picture at this magnification., the sky is faded out and the horizon is not horizontal.
No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 02:37:31 PM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by ubeenshot:
Don't really know what's opposite, maybe the waverunner and the boat, but if so then you need to have both in the pic without cutoff.
No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 09:25:07 AM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by Pixelprose:
blurry, I'm not sure what you want me to focus on, to much foreground
No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 06:00:28 AM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by DragonStar:
Don't quite understand the opposites... though maybe it's just me.
No Wake Zone
05/12/2004 03:30:16 AM
No Wake Zone
by gfkeenan

Comment by Prof_Fate:
overexposed on back of right boat. also, on my screen the rub strip on boat is very jaggy..not sure if bad resizing, compression or you blew up a smaller low res pic.
Showing 21 - 26 of ~26

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