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Registered UserLindav

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Comments Received by Lindav
Showing 11 - 20 of ~27
Image Comment
Fighting For Food
04/05/2004 05:57:11 PM
Fighting For Food
by Lindav

Comment by BrennanOB:
I am puzzled byt the backround above the pigeons, i hope you will explain it in your notes. Interesting effect, but why not carry it on below as well?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Fighting For Food
04/05/2004 02:38:07 PM
Fighting For Food
by Lindav

Comment by obstetrify:
This is a good picture, and one of the few which can say truly illustrate chaos, Even so, I think of it as something deeper and more fundamental, but how do you
portray that.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Fighting For Food
04/05/2004 10:33:40 AM
Fighting For Food
by Lindav

Comment by olnos:
One of the best so far. Nice colours and feathers...
Photographer found comment helpful.
Fighting For Food
04/05/2004 04:32:42 AM
Fighting For Food
by Lindav

Comment by ozdick:
The background looks very photoshopped and there's no pigeon to concentrate on (maybe it needed one head to be poking out of the middle). Also, most of the pigeons on the right have been cut in half, leaving them disembodied and not really feeling part of the picture. Chaotic - yes, I'll give you that much ;)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Flamingo Reflections
04/04/2004 10:17:58 AM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by peggy:
Not in focus.
Flamingo Reflections
04/03/2004 12:24:28 PM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by Olyuzi:
Very compelling subject matter and your composition is very good, but the image suffers from bad pixelation and being out of focus. It also appears overexposed as there are some hot spots in some areas.
Flamingo Reflections
04/02/2004 11:44:15 AM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by DefyTime:
Looks very pixalated, don't know if it's your camera and you mega pixles or your resizing of the picture for the submission, look into whatever it is and try to work on how to make it better other wise you are going to continue with these less than par pictures, don't get discouraged though, just take more time in preparing your photo
Flamingo Reflections
04/02/2004 01:18:29 AM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by pitsaman:
Focus very soft,nice colors ,6 !
Flamingo Reflections
04/01/2004 11:06:21 PM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by banmorn:
Were you at the IberoStar Tucan in Playa del Carmen? Shame you couldn't get closer to get a clear shot of this....I tried myself in Nov. and mine were pretty bad ....you just couldn't get close enough to take a decent shot....your angle and nearness to the subjects are better but the shot is way off focus wise, as were mine.
Flamingo Reflections
04/01/2004 10:49:55 PM
Flamingo Reflections
by Lindav

Comment by jab119:
looks like the image suffered greatly from resizing for the challenge. Might want to check the forums to see how to resize properly so your future challenge pics dont suffer the same.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~27

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