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Registered Userthepasodancer

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Comments Received by thepasodancer
Showing 11 - 20 of ~35
Image Comment
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/27/2004 03:30:08 AM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by Brad:
Interesting picture, but where's the serendipity?
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/26/2004 05:48:06 AM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by AlexHugel:
hehehe.... that's funny... Islander pride there ?!
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/25/2004 02:05:12 AM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/24/2004 11:28:04 AM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by oskar:
Alltaf gaman að sjá hvað Ãslendingar eru duglegir hérna.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/24/2004 01:54:31 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/22/2004 03:46:11 PM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by Kali:
While the photo is a decent shot and Mr. Eríksson may have serendipitously found america. (I don't know his story) ...this doesn't say "serendipity" to me.... more like "nice pic of a statue"
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/22/2004 11:45:30 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/21/2004 09:33:58 PM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by lakritstroll:
cause the people who'd been living in 'America' for 12000 years already do not really count, do they?
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/21/2004 06:29:32 PM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by obstetrify:
Excellent shot. I like the placing of the statue on the far right-hand side even though it leaves a lot of space ahead of him. The sky is quite good.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
04/21/2004 05:48:00 PM
Leifur Eríksson - The Viking Who Discovered America
by thepasodancer

Comment by Rooster:
it's hard to discover a country already inhabited by others but aside from this factual gliche in the title, which did not affect my scoring, this one of the better representations fo the challenge. good work. 9
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~35

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