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Registered Userdalee18

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Comments Received by dalee18
Showing 1 - 10 of ~45
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Broken Mind
12/22/2004 07:14:56 AM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by Neuferland:
Greetings from the Critique Club!

A very powerful image in itself but it's missing that 'oomph' to put it over the top. I feel what you are going for, the dark emotion of losing something so precious but my thoughts are the windows to the soul are missing, the eyes. It almost looks like she is wearing sun glasses the way the shot is set up. If the head was completely down and the hair covering the face I wouldn't have looked so hard for it. There also seems to be some kind of spot or something on the end of her nose. And yes, my monitor is calibrated. The emotion is there when you first glance at this shot but then is lost as you try to look deeper into the image and see the lost look in her face. I like the overall tone, the light to dark from left to right, the touch of grain to add to the emotion. I hope this helps.

Good luck in future Challenges!

Broken Mind
12/19/2004 10:31:09 PM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by magicshutter:
I think the face is much too dark. I sense you'll probably get alot of that. I like everything else though.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Broken Mind
12/15/2004 09:29:53 PM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by graphicfunk:
Returning for comments:
Very nice pose and great sepia tones. The solemn concept may have been heightened by showing the hair a little more out of composure. Otherwise, the image does manage to convey enough of the feeling. Bumping up.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Broken Mind
12/14/2004 10:18:11 PM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by strags:
If it weren't for the title, this would have nothing to do with "broken". As it is, I don't even really see "broken mind".
Bit soft/dark for my liking, but I realize that's probably what you were going for.
Broken Mind
12/13/2004 01:11:21 PM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by rkligman:
I don't like the fact that I can't see the face, which seems like it should be the highlight given that you want to see depression. Don't care for the sepia tone here either. I just don't care for the photo as a whole. Sorry.
Broken Mind
12/13/2004 01:17:08 AM
Broken Mind
by dalee18

Comment by snackwells:
Dark theme. She looks withdrawn, troubled, subdued. Your point is well taken.

Technical: Love the low key + toning. Composed and framed well.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Good Day?
08/31/2004 08:14:02 PM
Good Day?
by dalee18

Comment by mullany1957:
Good idea but I would suggest brightening up the exposure a stop or two. Also, you might consider squaring up the scale with the tile pattern.
Good Day?
08/31/2004 01:08:00 AM
Good Day?
by dalee18

Comment by Joey Lawrence:
Good place to put the camera...Excellent idea too!
Good Day?
08/29/2004 02:41:25 PM
Good Day?
by dalee18

Comment by Ranger:
Try exercise... Works for me... The photo = 4, but the take on the challenge = 8. The floor is a bit distracting and the lightning could be better. Good topic to work from, but the final result is long from perfect.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Good Day?
08/28/2004 11:58:54 PM
Good Day?
by dalee18

Comment by Amason:
funny idea.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~45

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