Choice: Step on Gas or Brakeby
TaxladyComment by graphicfunk: From the Critique Club:
You have met the challenge for the intended message is here. However, you could have done several more things to help the viewer focus on the source. Remember a cardinal rule, after selecting your main subject do whatever to highlight it and bring the viewer's eyes to it. When the viewer has to wander, consider the attempt wanting in subject focus.
Also, with scenes such as these, feel free to rotate the image to get the buildings and lamp posts perpendicular. Now let us see how we can improve what you have without re-shooting.
A commentator attached the meaning to the white car entering the street. He missed the obvious. You show a car approaching a light which is yellow and here. as per your intention, the decision by the driver is transparant. Okay, you've got the ingredients, so crop right up to the lamp post and immediately the image has more meaning. The eye will be forced to observe the yellow light. It would have been ideal to focus your lens either on the light or the car. Either one would have made this a better picture. With a sharp light, the message is enhanced. With a sharp car, the cropping will aid the viewer to reach the intended aim.
Just remember: once you think up the idea, your homework is clear, how best to represent it. Visualize the picture before you snap the shutter. This will often place you at the correct angle and distance needed to accomplish your aim.
In conclusion, you are a good thinker at creating the concept. This is all important, many fine photographers have a problem conceiving the concept. The next step is well within a thinkers' grasp. Get into the habit of seeing the idea in a mental picture and then do variations.