Moose in the sunsetby
leenahComment by Fotowereld: ::Critique Club Comment::
Hi leenah!
Your picture is, first of all, very nice to look at! It has a good sense of humour in it, because of the person making funny steps (looks like it though). On the other hand you portrayed nature in a beautiful respectfull way. The light is beautiful, the sunbeams coming through the clouds gives a nice sphere to the picture.
The composition is very balanced: the silhouette of the person standing on the right versus the wideness of the water and the sky on the left.
The colours are soothening, soft, they fit the sphere very well. It's almost monochromatic with a touch of evening gold.
I personally like the photo very well, but I guess the score in the Challenge "choises" turned out not be that high because people thought it didn't meet it very well, hence the comments below. My intepretation in the light of the challenge would be the person choosing to step into the depth, into the nature of to stay on the rocks. If that is the case, then it is hard to see, because the person's silhouette is only showing and it isn't very clear whether we see him/her on the front or on the back or what site the leg is going.
Hope to have helped you,