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Registered UserKSHOLLYWOOD

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Comments Received by KSHOLLYWOOD
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13
Image Comment
04/16/2008 02:11:18 PM

Comment by Tez:
with a vignette this would rock.
04/13/2008 12:12:03 AM

Comment by SDW:
I like the action in this shot and you did a good job freezing the ball but the face of the picture is a little dark. You can bring his face out of the shadows by doing the following in Photoshop, assuming you are using PS. If not you can do it in other programs I'm sure.
In Photoshop make a duplicate layer. Then desaturate the duplicate layer. Now invert the duplicate layer. Still on the duplicate layer go to filters > blur > G-Blur and set to 20%. Now all you have to do is set the duplicate layer to "Overlay".

This will bring out the darker areas but will not effect the remainder of the image as much. You may have to adjust the occupancy of the duplicate layer to liking.

Hope this helps.
04/12/2008 11:53:15 PM

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
This is good. Lot of great detail on these birds. Some minor cropping to position the subjects better would improve the visual flow a bit. some of the highlight detail on the head of the closer turkey is blown. You might be able to get some of that back with careful adjustments from the original.

Message edited by author 2008-04-12 23:54:16.
04/12/2008 11:48:27 PM

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
This one caught my eye. It's got some interesting activity going on with those turkeys. They are looking for something, probably breakfast. The foggy background gives a nice look to it. the image probably needs a little noise reduction and some adjustment of those great colors on their heads to make them stand out.
04/12/2008 09:34:17 PM

Comment by smardaz:
nice capture on the ball, i would prob level the horizon a tad
Viking Classic 2007 241.jpg
03/24/2008 10:48:15 PM
Viking Classic 2007 241.jpg

Comment by SDW:
John Daily? Nice capture - your DOF, color, and sharpness is great. Again a little noise, you must have had to bump up the ISO. Have you tried a noise reduction program on these shots? I'm not saying you should or it would be the right thing to do because they are great shots as-is.
Nice set of sports photos.
Viking Classic 2007 072.jpg
03/24/2008 10:45:00 PM
Viking Classic 2007 072.jpg

Comment by SDW:
A bit of noise but not bad. Another great shot, looking into the eyes of the subject. I can almost hear his thoughts, "does it break right/left. Is it slow of fast". Great shot.
Viking Classic 2007 063.jpg
03/24/2008 10:43:12 PM
Viking Classic 2007 063.jpg

Comment by SDW:
His face makes this photograph. It opens the photo up for interpretation is he reading the green or waiting his turn. A very good shot.DOF to make the golfer the main subject. One thing I would do is clone out the dust spot on the right, it distracts me while viewing the golfer face.
01/06/2008 11:31:08 AM

Comment by scrum8:
Nice capture! I love it when they look back. Thanks for the comment on my buck photo. The buck was sniffing around a doe and wasn't alert as he should have been. I had to whistle to get him to look at me.

Viking Classic 2007 241.jpg
12/17/2007 04:25:43 PM
Viking Classic 2007 241.jpg

[quote=Jutilda] is he flipping you off? ROFL (observe his right hand)

My son LOVES John Daly.

This pic was actually printed in my hometown paper,and no he wasn't flipping me off he stands like that all of the time. I got a lot of calls about that one.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13

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