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Registered Userchrism23

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Comments Received by chrism23
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Showing 211 - 220 of ~232
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Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 08:45:23 PM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by bucket:
Nothing really to capture one's imagination here-they look tired.
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Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 01:25:09 PM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by EaThis:
subject dosen't fit for me
Photographer found comment helpful.
Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 11:42:54 AM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by cosmic:
Very nice wedding picture.

The title explains the shot well, but this shot just doesn't appeal to me for the theme.
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Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 10:49:14 AM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by mitähä:
Difinetely one of the most important bridges.
Very good idea.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 09:16:18 AM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by sacredspirit:
I personally don't think that there is enough bridges of this kind in the challenge, thank you for submitting it, and congratulations to the bride and groom. Fantastic picture.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Marriage -  a major bridge in life.
02/16/2005 12:36:59 AM
Marriage - a major bridge in life.
by chrism23

Comment by Shakey:
good take on the theme .. picture is ...nothing to write home about .
Nice looking couple but it aint gonna win you a challenge 6
Photographer found comment helpful.
Humpy fluke
10/13/2004 12:19:00 AM
Humpy fluke
by chrism23

Comment by sfalice:
Well, it's obvious that some folks just didn't know how hard this image was to get. The water droplets tell that the focus was as sharp as it could be. The water was moving around quite a bit on you, and it must have indeed been a choppy ride.

Wonder did you protect that Canon 300D in the boat?

Keep up the good shooting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Humpy fluke
10/12/2004 12:17:34 PM
Humpy fluke
by chrism23

Comment by Nitin:
Nice photo.. looks like some digitial zoom got used.. 8.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Humpy fluke
10/12/2004 12:05:10 PM
Humpy fluke
by chrism23

Comment by dipaulk:
I hesitate to make comments since I am obviously not an expert, but here goes: I thought the subject was excellent, but slightly out of focus. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to get this in sharp focus!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Humpy fluke
10/11/2004 04:36:50 PM
Humpy fluke
by chrism23

Comment by techtraum:
Little out of focus, could have used a faster shutter probably. But bonus points for difficulty of capture!
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 211 - 220 of ~232

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