Cat on a Hot Tin Roofby
salsbufrComment by Travis99: Greetings from the critique club.
1. Lighting: The image seems a touch too dark, I think the bright light outside takes away from the inside of the house. If the lighting was more equal, it may inprove the photo.
2. Composition: I like the 2 cats, shows a bit of curiousness. The 2 metal bars that attach a storm window or screen take away from the comp. but I geuss theres nothing you can do about that. Also the title is Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, but yet the roof is not tin, and peolple here are really picky about that stuff.
3. Angle: I like this angle I think it helps the shot out alot. Although you may try getting eye level with the cat. WE as humans are used to looking down on cats, so it would add to the interest if we changed are point of view. Sometimes that can make a world of difference.
4. Overall: This is just above a snapshot, its a good capture, but it could be inproved. Keep trying, and remember shoot how we usally dont see things.