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Registered Usercosmofire

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Comments Received by cosmofire
Showing 21 - 30 of ~78
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Universal Women Dictionary
11/25/2003 10:57:47 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by LucidLotus:
Hello from the Critique Club!

First, though a bit on the sexist side, I did see the humor in the photo. Beyond that however, I wasn't able to find much to draw me into the image. Let's dig a bit deeper:

First and foremost, the photo seems very straightforward. A photo of a book. As is, this has little impact on the viewer. You added humor to it with your slight adjustment (adding women) but didn't take it any further with other options available such as lighting, alternative focus, shadows, perspective, composition.

The colors are a bit dull but there is a nice contrast between the table wood and the mustardy color of the book. The composition is nice in its simplicity, but that also works against you because there are no other elements to keep the viewer engaged. The lighting is sufficient, but the focus while also adequate does call for a bit more sharpening. All in all, it is, in my opinion, a photograph that has average elements presented in an average way.

That said, I do think there is much that could be done with what you have. If you were inclined, I would recommend trying a couple suggestions.

First would be to add some dramatic lighting, perhaps a single shaft of light across the "English - Women, Women - English" part with the rest of the book in a bit of shadow, thus highlighting your main focal point. Perhaps have your light source shining behind something that will create an interesting pattern across the book face.

Second, perspective. This being a straight on shot, doesn't give it much flair - maybe taking it from a different angle, shifting the book itself, or something encompassing both of those lines could help add some punch.

I definitely do not want to discourage you, I think you took a solid photo in general, it just needs a little more atmosphere and a dash more creativity to give it a standout look.

Message edited by author 2003-11-25 22:58:54.
Universal Women Dictionary
11/18/2003 03:36:30 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by photographist:
Sexist but I like it! Simple idea but it works. I hope you live to receive your acclaim though .
After a long tiresome day
11/18/2003 03:19:27 PM
After a long tiresome day
by cosmofire

Comment by StevePax:
Greetings from the Critique Club.

I like the expression that the turtle has in this shot. However, there are a number of things you could improve for this shot:

1. Focus: Your plane of focus doesn't seem to include your turtle's face. That draws the eye of the viewer to the back of the turtle, but that is covered up, so attention is lost.

2. Composition: There are a few elements in the photo that seem to be out of place. That red box in the back doesn't seem to add anything to the shot, and the white piece of paper in the foreground covers up most of your subject and more than half of your photo. It seems that you just took a shot of the turtle wherever he was, without giving any thought to composition or other elements in the shot.

3. Challenge topic: Most people would not consider a shot of a live animal to be a "still life" shot. I'm sure many of the low votes were for that reason alone.

I see that this is only your second submission in about 18 months! I hope to see more of your work in the future. Just take your time and think about your shot to make it look just how you want it.
Universal Women Dictionary
11/16/2003 01:08:07 AM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by timmi:
Undoubtedly shot by a man...

Funny idea, but the photo itself is kind of boring to look at. Perhaps closer zoom and crop could have improved it a bit. It looks like the camera had hard time focusing on the cover. Some postprocessing would improve the colours of the photo.
Universal Women Dictionary
11/14/2003 03:37:06 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by Rastas:
I can relate to this!! like the humor in it and it works to te theme
Universal Women Dictionary
11/13/2003 07:56:10 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by GP:
Witty... but...
Universal Women Dictionary
11/13/2003 06:51:13 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by mecfcosta:
Dont know if I like the sexist joke...
Universal Women Dictionary
11/13/2003 12:18:13 PM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by ramevi:
LOL. Do they are in sale? I want two.
Universal Women Dictionary
11/13/2003 04:56:35 AM
Universal Women Dictionary
11/13/2003 12:05:57 AM
Universal Women Dictionary
by cosmofire

Comment by vrphotos:
funny, you didn't do much photographically... what about angle, lighting?
Showing 21 - 30 of ~78

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