Tough Guyby
smithmaComment by glad2badad: Greetings from the Critique Club
First Impression
Probably a fun kid trying to look tough for this pose. A bit awkward.
Looking Deeper
Feels very staged and contrived rather than natural and catching a 'moment'. I know people do this kind of work in studios all the time - can't be easy! :-)
Part of what gives me this feeling is the glasses. They don't seem to fit the 'tough guy' demeanor attempted here. The other item is the shirt not laying flat around the neck/shoulders area grabs some attention (at least for me). The eyes also feel 'lifeless' because they are looking away from the camera and are hidden by the glasses. No 'sparkle', no connection with the viewer.
From a technical standpoint I think you did a very nice job. Good focus and clarity. The lighting seems about right, and you handled the glasses (no glare) very well. Compositionally everything in the photo is placed comfortably for viewing.
I didn't vote on this, but I can easily see how many looked at it, said "ok", hit the 5 and kept on going.
You may want to consider posting this photo in a forum thread also. This site has some great portrait photographers as members and I'm sure you'd get some useful information/tips.
Questions? Feel free to send me a PM. Thanks!