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Registered Usermarvinmartian79

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Comments Received by marvinmartian79
Showing 11 - 20 of ~77
Image Comment
Autumn Colors
11/11/2002 01:14:00 PM
Autumn Colors
by marvinmartian79

Comment by Jacko:
Nice crisp shot. Really liek the colours. Being a proud Canadian, I love maple leaves. Jacko. 7
Autumn Colors
11/11/2002 01:22:00 AM
Autumn Colors
by marvinmartian79

Comment by jpsowin:
How do I work this thing?
09/08/2002 08:00:00 PM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by decoteau:
I like the reflection, but wish the colors were more vivid.
How do I work this thing?
09/06/2002 06:42:00 PM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by Swashbuckler:
A tad dark on the fireman's face. He seems more intent than confused, IMO. I like seeing his reflection in the firetruck, but I think the framing could have easily been moved several touches to the left. 8 Swash
How do I work this thing?
09/05/2002 09:25:00 PM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by alanfreed:
I like the reflection in the fire truck... cool. Otherwise, not the most interesting of poses to me personally...
How do I work this thing?
09/05/2002 06:46:00 AM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by GlasMenagerie:
Hah... My father was a vol. fireman... we have a very similar shot with him, though he hammed up an overwhelmed face for the shot. Like the reflection too...though I might have zoomed in a touch to even the framing on the reflection a bit to the left. Nice shot!
How do I work this thing?
09/05/2002 06:20:00 AM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by Kaz:
Funny title, great reflection.
How do I work this thing?
09/05/2002 04:27:00 AM
How do I work this thing?
09/05/2002 12:42:00 AM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by IGJOE:
Nice photo, but please re-think the title
How do I work this thing?
09/04/2002 06:17:00 PM
How do I work this thing?
by marvinmartian79

Comment by smshats:
I like the reflection on the firetruck of the fire fighter!
Showing 11 - 20 of ~77

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