DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Registered UserTechGuy

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Comments Received by TechGuy
Showing 21 - 27 of ~27
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Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 11:54:00 PM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by rjhawkin:
nature never expects you to take a picture, I think this is a cop out.
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 10:41:00 PM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by owennnn:
mood captured - open water
sincerity of expressions - poor
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 09:13:00 PM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by alanfreed:
I'm afraid I don't get the title in the first place... but I also don't see the relevance to this challenge. Any picture of a seagull is surely going to be "candid" given that seagulls aren't really capable of posing. In a different challenge I would have rated this better.
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 08:29:00 PM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by lionelm:
I like the concept but not the composition. To meet it does not meet the challenge this week, sorry. 5 an other week. 3 this week.
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 06:18:00 PM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by jsabbarton:
Fantastic shot, canĂ¢€™t fault the photography. But I do think the challenge element is a little weak. But, this is a damn good picture (8)
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 09:57:00 AM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by tlalonde:
A straighter horizon, use of the rule of thirds and tighter cropping could have saved this photo.
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
09/02/2002 02:35:00 AM
Freedom 55, what's that about?!?!?!
by TechGuy

Comment by jmsetzler:
This photo is 'candid' because I can see that it was not setup and not planned. The 'candid' element of the photo is, in my opinion, weak, because of the subject. I think that the people shots are a bit stronger on the subject because it's easier to show a strong candid moment and create a better tie into the challenge :) - jmsetzler
Showing 21 - 27 of ~27

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