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Registered Userjkiolbasa

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Comments Received by jkiolbasa
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Showing 111 - 120 of ~359
Image Comment
12/23/2002 09:58:20 AM
by jkiolbasa

Comment by undieyatch:
I impressed with your presentation...... your 35mm contact - style frame....... is cool.
12/23/2002 08:52:39 AM
by jkiolbasa

Comment by kandyj:
Very strong photo in more ways than one. A little grainy in the right of the model, however.
Self Portrait
12/11/2002 04:19:09 PM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by muckpond:

The photo is nicely planned, with good angles and focus. The concept is perfect for the challenge.

You mentioned that you adjusted the contrast yourself. I think you may have gone a bit overboard, as the portions of the photo that are well-lit are REALLY well-lit. Softer light and perhaps a longer exposure would have given you a more even lighting setup.

You also mentioned that you tried to up the blues with the curve tool. I've never had much luck altering color like that. If you want more of a blue cast, and if you have the right software, try doing a very very very slight duotone (or even tritone with a black, grey, and blue). That should give you a more overall blue feel. However, I don't think it was necessary for this photo, as the emotion fulfills the challenge (whether or not some people think so).

Also, and I've said it before, sorry, but you look more sleepy than down. A good off-to-the-side stare would have scored you many more points. And cropping out the table from the lower left would have also helped.

Overall, a great attempt with great technique. Some more work on the setup and processing, and you've got it made.

Self Portrait
11/27/2002 11:34:22 PM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by ss:
Nice interpretation of subject.
Self Portrait
12/07/2002 12:37:07 AM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by muckpond:
You look more asleep than sad, but I enjoy this a lot. muckpond
Self Portrait
12/05/2002 06:17:53 PM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by Jacko:
Looks more sleepy than blue IMO. Nice portrait though.
Self Portrait
12/05/2002 09:44:44 AM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by Turbotech:
Not bad. Light is a little Harsh.
Self Portrait
12/05/2002 09:36:22 AM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by catpixel:
photo is fine, but it is a kind og grey-purple, not blue, and the expression is contemplative, not sad ("blue"), is that was intended.
Self Portrait
12/03/2002 11:58:00 PM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by Marsha:
I like the idea, however, it looks more like you are sleeping than blue. I think that is because your face is expressionless. Maybe if you had a frown or furrowed brow, or tears even. Good self portrait, though!
Self Portrait
12/03/2002 10:46:00 PM
Self Portrait
by jkiolbasa

Comment by PTLParsons:
You look more tired, maybe from staying up all night to score so many photos on dpc, instead of blue. I've adjusted my monitor every way it can be adjusted and I can not find any blue. I like the photo a lot but I'm trying hard to find the blue so I can give it the score it deserves, within the challenge. But I can't find the blue. Sorry PTL. That costs at least 2 points.
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