Self Portraitby
jkiolbasaComment by muckpond: CRITIQUE CLUB!
The photo is nicely planned, with good angles and focus. The concept is perfect for the challenge.
You mentioned that you adjusted the contrast yourself. I think you may have gone a bit overboard, as the portions of the photo that are well-lit are REALLY well-lit. Softer light and perhaps a longer exposure would have given you a more even lighting setup.
You also mentioned that you tried to up the blues with the curve tool. I've never had much luck altering color like that. If you want more of a blue cast, and if you have the right software, try doing a very very very slight duotone (or even tritone with a black, grey, and blue). That should give you a more overall blue feel. However, I don't think it was necessary for this photo, as the emotion fulfills the challenge (whether or not some people think so).
Also, and I've said it before, sorry, but you look more sleepy than down. A good off-to-the-side stare would have scored you many more points. And cropping out the table from the lower left would have also helped.
Overall, a great attempt with great technique. Some more work on the setup and processing, and you've got it made.