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Comments Received by pall
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Image Comment
Landman's Cave
08/11/2009 01:33:45 AM
Landman's Cave
by pall

Comment by jdannels:
Iceland strikes again! :P
I really enjoy the soft light and nice work with a tough shooting situation.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Landman's Cave
08/11/2009 12:02:59 AM
Landman's Cave
by pall

Comment by dafletchr:
What a great spot! Lovely shot. Perfect exposure, beautiful clarity.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Landman's Cave
08/10/2009 05:01:48 PM
Landman's Cave
by pall

Comment by Sheryll:
Is it the tribal councils firepit?
07/29/2009 10:18:45 PM
by pall

Comment by PGerst:
** Hello from the Critique Club **

This is certainly an interesting take on a portrait. One goal of any portrait is to portray the character of the person. I infer then that you must be quite jovial. In fact, I'm guessing you went more for effect and fun rather than targeting a high score. Which makes critiquing equally as fun. :)

At first glance, I wasn't sure how I liked the tilt of the photo. Generally, I find that tilt is overused. However, after viewing this photo in different ways I have to say that the tilt works. In fact, it adds an element of suspense. In addition, the angle shot, from ground up, also adds a critical perspective to the photo. The sky is a key element of the background which helps to pull the subject away from the ground, definitely a benefit here.

The posture is also important. The right leg and left arm make a distinct line from the ground to the sky, again adding to the effect.

The exposure on the sky is appropriate; it is not too dark, nor too light. However, a bit more illumination is needed on the subject. It appears as though processing has pushed the fact and skin tones to the right giving a slightly noisy effect and unnatural colors given the rest of the scene. There also appears to be a slight halo around the subject. It is also clear that the subject is stopped in air by the flash. It would be interesting to see this same photo with a 2nd curtain sync as that may give a little more action to the photo. Either way, this is a fine shot.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Ancient creature
07/26/2009 01:43:59 AM
Ancient creature
by pall

Comment by FocusPoint:
Amanin, yaw cok uzuldum kurbeleyi kaybettigine. Cok guzel bir resim, derece onemli degil muhim olan sanat.
Ancient creature
07/25/2009 10:10:35 PM
Ancient creature
by pall

Comment by pall:
Ég valdi hluta af myndinni með lasso, bjó til adjustment layer og valdi Curves til þess að auka kontrast (himininn og sjórinn vinstramegin). Svo notaði ég Brush á layer maskann til þess að draga úr áhrifunum þar sem þau áttu ekki að vera. En eins og stendur í reglunum, þá má þetta ekki: You may not use the marquee, lasso, or similar tool to select a portion of your image for any reason other than cropping or creating a border.
Maður gerir þetta annars mjög oft og hefur komist upp með það hingað til :)

Message edited by author 2009-07-25 22:13:03.
Ancient creature
07/25/2009 08:41:29 PM
Ancient creature
by pall

Comment by skari:
Vó frekar fúlt, sérstaklega efitr fyrsta borða. Hvað návkæmlega gerðiru rangt. Bara svo við hin getum passað okkur í framtíðinni. Annars mjög flott mynd sem hefði notið sín vel í fyrsta sætinu.
Ancient creature
07/25/2009 08:19:05 PM
Ancient creature
by pall

Comment by pall:
Já, þetta getur gerst þegar maður tekur ekki þátt í keppnum hér nema öðru hverju og gleymir að lesa reglurnar aftur :) Ég klikkaði á einfaldri myndvinnslu sem ég geri oft á dag á hverjum degi, en myndin stendur fyrir sínu samt sem áður.
Takk fyrir allar góðar óskir.
Ancient creature
07/25/2009 06:46:49 PM
Ancient creature
by pall

Comment by Odie:
Bömmer. Dálítið erfiðar reglurnar í basic.
Gengur betur næst.
Photographer found comment helpful.
07/25/2009 11:29:51 AM
by pall

Comment by GKPhotos:
Nice action, How many shots did it take. Great effort, I hope you are rewarded.
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