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Comments Received by lrattner
Showing 1 - 10 of ~32
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Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/08/2007 01:29:01 AM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by tnun:
Sorry this didn't do better. Comments notwithstanding about focus and centered subject. This was a picture I really enjoyed.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/07/2007 06:15:11 AM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by Tez:
Not bad. I like the colours. It's a shame the focus was missed and you didn't get the monk doing something a bit more interesting. I also think if you zoomed in on the monks head as he was looking out the window, this would have ruled.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/06/2007 01:52:29 AM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by tnun:
Beautiful golden tones and textures give this an appropriately meditative cast.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/05/2007 12:19:52 PM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by JuliBoc:
Beautiful color, light, and texture. I love the dark hallway on the left. It is such a contrast to the bright window. The man looks like he is hesitant to leave the light and return to the dark. 10
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/05/2007 12:12:46 AM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by OmanOtter:
I went to Camboida and Angkor Wat about 10 years ago. What an amazing place! I like this picture very much. It does seem to have a bit of a yellow or greenish color cast, though. Did you do that on purpose? I remember the monks' robes as a more vivid orange. Or, is this a faithful reproduction of the scene and only my memory is wrong? Thanks for the great shot either way. What an amazing place that so few people ever get to see. I like the composition quite a lot.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/04/2007 02:19:30 PM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by eamurdock:
So this is one of those photos where I have to look for a reason not to vote 10 - initial impression is perfection. There's some slight softness in the stone - does that actually detract? Hard to say. Light is essentially perfect; the blowout in the arm is not a problem for me. The intrusion of the wall on the left distracts a touch, for me.

For now I'll say the slight softness does bother me, and vote a 9, but I'll revisit later. Regardless, this is a spectacular image.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/03/2007 02:25:49 PM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by Rino63:
I am sure that the monk is in angkor wat but perhaps some shot of angkor wat was better :) about the photo, it is very good, I like the light of the photo. 8
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/03/2007 12:00:39 PM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by Melethia:
Very nice light and tones.
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/03/2007 01:30:09 AM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by jdannels:
I like the light coming through the temple, great golden hues. but its a little blurry. I still like the moment. 6 good luck
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
12/02/2007 11:25:16 PM
Pensive Monk at Angkor Wat
by lrattner

Comment by Stiger:
Photo gives a nice sense of peace and tranquility. Could be a tad sharper, but it looks like you had tough lighting to deal with.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~32

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