A thousand walksby
jacknoltinComment by Travis99: Greetings from the Critique Club
Hello my name is Travis and I will be critiquing you photo.
Lets start with the background, It is pretty distracting and it does not really help the image, and what ever does not help an image hurts an image. The lines on the left clash to much with the white, and it tends to make the photo unappealing. Rember that a backgorund can be just as inportant as the main subject.
No lets look at the composition (where things are in the photo) the one shoe flipped over s good it gives a sence of difference which the human mind longs to see. But the angle you have shot this at hurts the image because it is a normal view of shoes, try looking at them how no one has ever seen shoes before.
Now lets look at the lighting, it seems to be pretty flat, which cnveys no shape, lighting is one of the most important aspects in photography, set up a flashlight or desk lampa nd place the subject different ways under the light and see how the light can shape an object to make it more suttle or more dramatic.
The photo is also a bit out of focus, but that is somthing that can be fixed with a tri pod or mabe a faster shutter speed.
Well thats it if you have any questions or comments please feel free to pm me. I hope I helped.