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Registered Usergoofyjuls

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Comments Received by goofyjuls
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21
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First Thing In the Morning
03/31/2005 11:56:04 AM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by Matthew:
coffee I agree with - but I think that the subject can be made more interesting than this!! have a look at the other coffee submissions.
First Thing In the Morning
03/31/2005 11:13:24 AM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by Chinabun:
shouldve set this up studio style, than it wouldve been great!
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 09:03:46 PM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by AutumnCat:
Cute idea. But this photo is not very interesting - in subject (too cluttered - not enough focus on one subject) and lighting/composition.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 07:51:43 PM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by saiphfire:
Other elements in the photo are very distracting. Flash caused hotspot on coffee maker and pot (better to use natural or diffuse light). This is a good idea, but personally I would have filled a mug with coffee and taken a picture of that, perhaps with sugar cubes or cream or something on the side.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 04:36:30 PM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by taterbug:
A good concept that fits the challenge well IMO, however, it seems very "snapshottish". Lighting could be better I think, and the setting is cluttered. I think maybe a different perspective, perhaps tighter in on just the subject (the coffee pot), removing the distracting elements would help immensely.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 01:10:42 PM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by Barry:
I like this image, the coffee cup on the right side should not be touching the edge of the frame.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 12:59:32 PM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by srbrubaker:
I'm a coffee fiend also. It's not morning without that first cuppa joe. I hope you don't mind if I offer some observations, some opinions.

I don't find the coffiee maker from this angle or view to be especially photogenic. And the things around it detract from it. I think the trivet might be the most photogenic thing in the picture, unless one starts taking abstracts of the coffeemaker. The controls with that lttle red light might, possibly be interesting... Or the bulbous white top and the cutout where the pot goes.

I am blessed by the fact that the flash on my camera always, without exception, and without equivocation completely ruins every shot. I turn it off. If there is not enough light I use a tripod. This shot would be improved considerably if natural light had been used.

I hope some of these ideas are helpful.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 10:39:28 AM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by Shannon:
No offense..only trying to give constructive critisism..but this appears to be nothing more than a snapshot of your kitchen counter...sorry.
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 10:21:58 AM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by justine:
:) Where would we be without our morning cup of joe? Good idea but maybe a bit too much clutter in the frame?
First Thing In the Morning
03/30/2005 12:21:22 AM
First Thing In the Morning
by goofyjuls

Comment by wheeledd:
That is certainly an ugly coffee maker.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21

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