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Registered Userlilwonka816

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Comments Received by lilwonka816
Showing 1 - 10 of ~22
Image Comment
04/19/2005 04:10:59 PM
by lilwonka816

Comment by peecee:
A little out of focus, maybe a different angle could have helped the composition on this.
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04/17/2005 10:29:51 PM
by lilwonka816

Comment by Gatorguy:
I like this because it has the added interest of still having curtains in the windows.
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04/14/2005 04:08:57 PM
by lilwonka816

Comment by eostyles:
I like how there are still curtains in the window.
Photographer found comment helpful.
04/13/2005 10:20:01 PM
by lilwonka816

Comment by love:
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04/13/2005 04:02:00 PM
by lilwonka816

Comment by SandyP:
Wow! This is awesome! What interesting composition this is. You've accomplished a lot in making one of 498 abandoned buildings really stand out! I love it!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Computers are the Future
04/11/2005 12:58:43 PM
Computers are the Future
by lilwonka816

Comment by tristalisk:
Greetings From The Critique Club!!

Initial impact: Very unusual.. Definately outside the box!!

Meeting the challenge: Yes this fits the challenge very well. The typewritter was definately the beginning of an era. I love the one that you used for this particular challenge very old and rustic great find and idea.

Color: Well I bet you figured we couldn't hassle you any for color on this one... but alas here I am. I think that black and white worked bery well for this shot. it adds to the asthetic age of the photo. I'm not sure on this one but I think that sepia would have looked a little better. This also would have kept the old feeling you were trying to emulate.

Focus: The image is very grainy most noticably in the high detail areas. This is not a bad thing in this photograph. I just don't think it was done quite right. I think a more uniform grainlook would have given it more of an authintic grain. As is it looks like it was just a poor shot or bad file compression. (wich may be the case). I can't say for sure the grain was even necessary. While it adds a feeling to the photo DPC voter tend to hammer any one who shows any sign of it.

Lighting: The lighting is good but I think you probably could have gone a little further with it. I think some dramatic lighting would have helped your score a bit. Perhaps a spotlight from above in a dark room or somthing of the type.

Overall: I feel that two things hurt your score in the end. 1: the grain and 2: Lack of flash. While technicaly sound the photo does not posses much of a wow factor. No fancy mood lighting, no insane details, no dramitc shadows. It is textbook work. Simple straight to the point but devoid of emotional empact. I gave it a 7 while voting. I felt that it fit the challenge, was technicaly sound (I assumed the grain as intentional). It was one of my higher votes, but not quite 9 or 10 quality forme. Overall a pretty good image. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Computers are the Future
04/05/2005 11:24:37 PM
Computers are the Future
by lilwonka816

Comment by AFViper:
Good idea, and good exectution. I would clean up some of the noise, I understand that the noise is probobly done on purpose, but I think cleaner would be better.
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Computers are the Future
04/05/2005 08:29:55 PM
Computers are the Future
by lilwonka816

Comment by graphicfunk:
Yep, this is going way back. Very nice!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Computers are the Future
04/04/2005 01:19:59 PM
Computers are the Future
by lilwonka816

Comment by 2Shay:
An interesting take on the challenge. I think this photo could have looked better with more contrast and less grain. It just looks faded to me.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Computers are the Future
04/02/2005 12:38:24 AM
Computers are the Future
by lilwonka816

Comment by Lately:
Cute concept for the theme, nice presentation.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~22

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