What came first........the Apple or the Seed?by
tootsComment by amber: Hello from the Critique Club!
I like the concept behind this image; a take on the Chicken and the Egg conundrum. The red background is used well to bring out the green of the apple and I quite like the reflection of the seed slice on the apple itself.
Having said that, the execution has let the image down: The composition doesn̢۪t really work as the apple is too dominant and takes up most of the image, with the seed slice being squeezed almost out of he image, despite its importance in the context of the image. I would have loved to have seen more of the slices - using their curves more to play against the curve of the green apple, may have made a great graphic image with more impact.
The lighting, too, has led to flashes of light all over the place, which are hard on the eye and detract from the image. It has led to the detail on the slices being lost. Experimenting with different lighting set -ups might help.
The whole image seems out of focus, perhaps you tried to get in a little closer than the camera could cope with? Again, experimenting with different compositions, lighting and distances will help.
The concept was good and promising.