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Registered Usercallan

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Comments Received by callan
Showing 11 - 20 of ~61
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Feeling the music
01/17/2006 02:47:47 AM
Feeling the music
by callan

Comment by ShutterPug:
nice emotive shot. I'm not sure I like th guy closest up though - he seems to be more of a distractant to me - jmho
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Feeling the music
01/16/2006 04:07:11 PM
Feeling the music
by callan

Comment by Strikeslip:
What a fantastic angle! The lighting & perspective is perfect!
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Feeling the music
01/16/2006 11:55:42 AM
Feeling the music
by callan

Comment by Konador:
Great shot, and altho the focus isnt dead sharp, who cares! 10
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Feeling the music
01/16/2006 01:47:24 AM
Feeling the music
by callan

Comment by Army of nOne:
The focus is a little soft in this, or perhaps it is motion blur, or perhaps both. Awesome color though. Emotes a perfect mood for this nighttime music scene.
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10/31/2005 11:16:27 PM
by callan

Comment by Presidente:
*critque club*

main subject-
the first thing that comes to my mind when looking at this picture is how his blue eyes beautifuly compliment his sweatshirt

I'm not a big fan of the compliment of colors between blue and the hay but its a nice idea overall considering its fall,

this maybe the only part of the picture that distracts, the vertical lines should be straight upwards and in uniform, these are not but its ok because they don't cause much distraction. the horizontal lines are very distracting, they appear to give the form of a cracked wall which is not very pleasing on my eyes. perhaps darkening the background a bit more would have helped.

because his skin is pale i think you did a great job at capturing his complection, everyone seems to dislike that his head was cropped off a little bit but its easily confused with the popular style going on these days which I will overlook and give you the benefit of the doubt :)

relation to this contest theme-

"what?" can be interpreted into anything I guess, and you tried to define "what is love" by your title name being "love'. so i believe this is to be your child which you love very much, if thats the case it did not express that relation very well in my opinion. reading a title shouldnt be the clue in the contest.
10/24/2005 02:17:06 AM
by callan

Comment by Pedxer:
kind of a nice nostalgic sorta photo, but It just doesn't bring out the What?! in me.
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10/23/2005 06:20:07 PM
by callan

Comment by digidori:
Beautiful portrait. 8.
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10/21/2005 05:39:45 PM
by callan

Comment by UNCLEBRO:
nice and crisp and clear.
Without the fence would make it stand out even more
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10/20/2005 02:39:50 PM
by callan

Comment by GentleSoul:
This is a very sweet, precious photo. I think you definitely captured "Love". I'm not sure where the "What?!" is, though.

Other than the challenge topic, I don't have any suggestions for you in terms of improving the photo. It's really a great shot!
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/20/2005 09:42:08 AM
by callan

Comment by ajmason66:
Great lanscape shot... I just wish the top of his head wasn't cut off.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~61

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