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Registered Usercparlier

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Comments Received by cparlier
Showing 1 - 10 of ~25
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Inside the Blues
05/22/2005 12:51:58 PM
Inside the Blues
by cparlier

Comment by BAMartin:
Greetings from the Critique Club.

I have read through some of the comments you received during voting and will not touch on the date in the corner of the photograph, that would be like beating a dead horse. I bet you have learned not to do that again :-)

The color here is the most interesting part of the phgotograph. I love the deeply saturated tones of blue. The main interest seems to be where the pedals meet in the center of the photograph. One of the easiest rules to learn and implement into your photography is the rule of thirds. It states that haveing the center of interest placed off center is much more powerful. I think that might have been useful in this photo.

I notoce that several commenters have commented on the DOF. You can use a shallow DOF id you use it to your advantage. The part that is in focus needs to be the center of attention, and I notice here that the further away pedals are more in focus. You can increase DOF by using an aperature with the larger number. I recomment at least f11, maybe even f16.

I hope you continue to explore the world with your phortography. Good luck on future challenges. If I can be of further assistance, feel free to PM me.
Triangles In Water
05/17/2005 09:20:47 AM
Triangles In Water
by cparlier

Comment by Kathy:
I SEE the bubbles, but don't FEEL the bubbles. Too dark and too brown to match the natural excitement of effervescence. 6
Triangles In Water
05/17/2005 05:09:33 AM
Triangles In Water
by cparlier

Comment by insane:
Interesting idea but technicaly it's a disaster. It's a 5.
Triangles In Water
05/17/2005 02:47:54 AM
Triangles In Water
by cparlier

Comment by pogodp:
Focus, focus.
Triangles In Water
05/15/2005 07:17:31 AM
Triangles In Water
by cparlier

Comment by AlanBes:
is this in focus?
Inside the Blues
05/15/2005 02:26:04 AM
Inside the Blues
by cparlier

Comment by Catherine_B:
Pretty flower, but too blurry for my taste. I think your DOF is not clear.
Inside the Blues
05/14/2005 04:55:36 AM
Inside the Blues
by cparlier

Comment by Artan:
I would look at setting the camera not to show the date in the output image
If that is not posible, then use the clone tool to edit the date away
Inside the Blues
05/13/2005 11:57:58 AM
Inside the Blues
by cparlier

Comment by leesc:
Get rid of the date stamp. It's very distracting. I don't know why anyone would turn that feature on in the camera, or why it's even a feature to begin with.
Triangles In Water
05/12/2005 12:40:25 PM
Triangles In Water
by cparlier

Comment by tristalisk:
This has a triagle in it however it does not have enough details or color to cary much of an impact. I can only guess this was a glass with triagle shapes formes into it's side. I think that a little broader shot with a more apealing color would have worked better.
Inside the Blues
05/11/2005 02:09:24 PM
Inside the Blues
by cparlier

Comment by christie3:
the date in the corner is distracting
Showing 1 - 10 of ~25

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