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Registered Userodiwan

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Comments Received by odiwan
Showing 11 - 20 of ~23
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It's a Secret
04/06/2006 09:14:20 PM
It's a Secret
by odiwan

Comment by sacredspirit:
Very nice, it gives me a feeling of romance on a Sunday afternoon. When something catches an emotion like that for me, I always score very well, even if the eye renders a cynical view. Good luck.
Photographer found comment helpful.
It's a Secret
04/05/2006 03:38:41 PM
It's a Secret
by odiwan

Comment by Spitfyr:
It's difficult to see the refraction of the stems in the vase. I think more backlighting would have helped.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/22/2006 11:50:00 AM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by odiwan:
"P" Stands for Prison, It's not a parking sign, it's a Stop Sign. Sorry if the image wasn't simple enough and required anyone to think. I've never known a prison to be attractive. There is a gun tower, moat and razor wire in the picture. Maybe if I put some boobies in the picture next time, I'll get higher votes.

Yes, I am a sore loser.

The School of Hard Knocks
03/21/2006 10:57:38 PM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by snapz:
I just don't get the huge "P" on the left HALF of the pic. I think there will be more than a few that feel this pic DNMC. I am not one of them. Good luck in the challenge!
The School of Hard Knocks
03/19/2006 09:36:18 AM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by photojennic:
I am not sure why the parking sign is so prominent in this shot - parking at jail? Also the water softens and makes this place more attractive, instead of fearsome... maybe black and white to take away all color and life from this shot would have had more of an impact, and a tighter crop on so that there is no down time trying to figure out what this shot is of.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/18/2006 10:53:09 PM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by JohnBeebe:
I don't understand the role of the sign in this iamge.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/18/2006 12:55:57 PM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by SandyP:
Ooooh. . .great take on the challenge.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/16/2006 01:34:08 AM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by Photogma:
Nice composition.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/15/2006 03:21:55 PM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by Claya:
Sorry, but this doesn't meet the theme for me. Without the title there's nothing about it that says "education" to me. Composition and exposure aren't bad though.
The School of Hard Knocks
03/15/2006 02:49:43 PM
The School of Hard Knocks
by odiwan

Comment by GrayGhost:
Interesting idea. Cropped stop sign cuts the composition in two. Would be better if you backed up to avoid this, and the more obvious stop sign would help many other viewers "get it."
Showing 11 - 20 of ~23

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