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Registered UserHurlEarl

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Comments Received by HurlEarl
Showing 31 - 40 of ~40
Image Comment
This is a picture upon which a picture was takin of a preson with a picture "The Picture"
07/13/2005 12:07:25 PM
Photographer found comment helpful.
This is a picture upon which a picture was takin of a preson with a picture "The Picture"
07/13/2005 09:48:47 AM
This is a picture upon which a picture was takin of a preson with a picture "The Picture"
by HurlEarl

Comment by squatront:
I just don't get it. I don't understand the purpose of this entry, and I can't see how it relates to the theme at all... sorry.
Photographer found comment helpful.
This is a picture upon which a picture was takin of a preson with a picture "The Picture"
07/13/2005 03:20:00 AM
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/12/2005 12:48:43 PM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by SCI 009:
Focus, focus, focus!!!!
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/10/2005 12:09:28 PM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by eschelar:
Nice mood. Couldn't figure out the theme of the picture tho. I don't really know where this pic is going...
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/08/2005 11:42:16 PM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by Kelli:
Maybe it's my monitor, but I don't see anything but black...
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/08/2005 10:02:56 PM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by sukuriant:
The white specs (stars?) are confusing and almost seem as though they don't belong. Is that a land-mine on the ground? or a crashed spacecraft? (which would make the stars make more sense)
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The Terrorist
07/08/2005 11:30:59 AM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by Matthew:

not sure what you are getting at here . Nor am I sure that you have captured something...! whole image a bit dark, lacking in clear vision.
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/06/2005 05:54:00 PM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by CEJ:
The dark edge on the right is distracting - I want to tell someone to move out of the way. Not sure about the processing - the circle is blurry. Not sure what a terrorist has to do with the challenge. A different title might be better. Terrorists are not too popular.
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Terrorist
07/06/2005 10:32:32 AM
The Terrorist
by HurlEarl

Comment by papa:
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 31 - 40 of ~40

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