Tough Boxing Night!!!by
armandusComment by kari1: ::: Critique Club :::
Hi, my name is Kari and from the critique club.
Interesting to do a critique on your image but it is difficult if you don't give us any information in your photographers comments. When we do a critique, we go past just the photographic result, that's what voters comments do. The critique looks at what you were trying to achieve, how you wanted it to look and what issues you had in getting the image captured and ready for voting.
First Impression - the most important one:
Ouch ... backlighting .. well sort of ... but effective lighting anyways...
This is always interesting and made easier to critique if I know what you are aiming for. Things to look at are:
Rule of thirds - the eyes are working the rule vertically well done, but I would try recropping to try to dual this by doing horizontally as well ... I think this would eliminate a little body but note too much ... as it seems his face should be the focus.
Almost meets the challenge, good topic, it tells a story and good photos do that.
Technical (Colour and light):
Reasonbly well light ... slight blow out on the arm, but not a major.
To grow its vote?:
Think about the cropping. Also there is a problem here with the sharpening ...I can make out the hairs on his arm, but the face is quite blurred and this seems to be an issue, not only for me but other commentors.
Great try ... you did well, I did not enter this challenge as I just could not get things to work, but you have.
If you've got any questions about this critique, please feel free to contact me via the PM system.