Delicate Securityby
donwComment by SteveJ: Greetings from the Critique Club:
Delicate Security is your entry into the Delicate challenge, in fact your first challenge entry.
The first thing I noticed was the noise/grain in your image, this is due to the ISO you used. I am assuming this is a tightish crop and resizing has brought up the noise. I don't want to teach my grandmother to suck eggs, but I have to assume you are new to photography. It is useful to include processing steps in your comments, this helps with tracking your steps to a finished image. I like your choice of aperture, f5.6 means that only the subject is sharp. Your focus on the stag's head is super. The colours look a bit washed out, but then early morning light can produce this effect. Not sure if you have used USM, but will guess there is a bit.
I just love this image and wish I could get one as good...but then I don't have access to a ranch where I could see one. You couldn't have posed the stag any better coming in from the left and looking straight at you. Is this the only one? If not, put the others in your portfolio.
A good first challenge entry and the score is middling. I think it finished here due to the noise, the slight washing out of colours and the fact that to some it does not depict delicate. We all know that the balance between nature and man is very delicate, as it is between the hunter and the hunted. Try making some adjustments in PS or whatever programme you use, sharpen, saturate and curves. If you like what you get, put it up for others to comment. I hope this is helpful and constructive.