Delicate Balance of Natureby
shepherdtrainerComment by CEJ: Hello from the Critique Club!
Composition/perspective...the overall size of the image, as in how much of the landscape is contained in the image is nice. The sun is not too big to dominate the picture but also not too small as to be just a spot on the horizon. The image is very centered, offsetting the sun on the horizon would make it a stronger image as ther is nothing in the foreground to get the viewers attention other than the reflection on the water. The image is slightly tilted which usually would not make that much difference except here the relfection in the water seems to emphasize it. Although slight, it just gets pronounced more with the reflection.
Lighting - obviously the sun, but you have controlled flare and extreme glare nicely with your exposure time. It does not appear totally washed out. The halo around the sun is a nice effect as well. The center section of the reflection is a bit bright. There may have been enough color there that it could have been brought down a bit.
Color - very nice subdued colors in this shot. The pallete gives the image a nice soft feel and a very serene atmosphere. Brighter pinks/reds would be too hot. Also they are across the whole image which is nice as well - keeps it from seeming isolated. The dark trees are a nice offset to this while they also give some definition to the horizon.
Challenge requirements - without the title I am not sure I would make a connection between this image and delicate. Although the image is a quiet one presenting a very serene scene and pretty sunset, this does not immediately speak to being delicate. If there was some element in the shot that also spoke to this...perhaps a bird in the water or something like that I think it would have been a much stronger entry.
Overall/opinion - you have a real nice sunset shot here that contains a lot of good elements. A few distractions, yes, but nothing that could not be fixed with some slightly different post processing. Don't be discouraged by its performance in the challenge. I think the image has potential and certainly you have the eye for the capture.