IronHorse_WCComment by Prof_Fate: Critique Club checking in...
Welcome to DPC! It takes a while to figure out what scores well here, and then some luck with challenge subject and your time/props to get it all to come together. Your entry is a good start, so don't let the score bother you.
Overall composition shows you have an inkling of susing depth of field to direct teh viewer's attention to your subject. The rule of thirds is being invoked here as well. So to continue with my thoughts on your composition - the relationship between the front and rear bottles is good, but as others have commented the sides feel a bit crowded. The background needs work - the cabinets(?) in the BG are a bit distracting - putting a solid white background (sheet, paper, foam board, wall, etc) would have made it a much cleaner shot and would have demonstarted more prep on your part, and the does score better here. Or should i say, a shot that appears to be a 'quickie' like this one does always takes a hit score wise. Turning the front bottle just a tad to hide the small print would have helped some too.
Lighting - this is a significant part of photography, the control of the light. The odd purple flare/refelction on the front bottle's uper right is distracting. This appears to be lit with rooom lights, and the purple looks to me to be some other light (as in a different color /temperature spectrum) that your WB could not conpensate for. The front bottle is a tad dark and the rear ones a tad bright - my eye is drawn to the light. Since this was a basic editing challenge this needs to be addressed during the session not in PP. Easy to fix in post production...but it is ALWAYS better to get teh capture as perfect as possible. I also see a shadow to the left of the front bottle that bothers me. Again, using light during set up could have fixed this and made a more 'professional' looking image (using a light tent, more lights, or a reflector to even out the lighting and chase shadows). If it was lit more from the left so the shadow fell outide the image that would have worked too.
good luck here on DPC. This image shows you have great potential!
-chris (prof_fate)