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Comments Received by rupypug
Showing 41 - 50 of ~84
Image Comment
waiting for lunch
04/15/2007 08:01:59 PM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by ace flyman:
Great shot of this hawk. Sharp, colors are good. I'd would guess shot more mid day. Early morning or late evening the lighting would had be a little better. Should had score higher imo. I gave you a 6.

Message edited by author 2007-04-15 20:02:31.
I Hate Cigarettes
03/05/2007 07:04:50 PM
I Hate Cigarettes
by rupypug

Comment by Nuzzer:
Greetings from the Critique Club.

Wow, looking at the comments you certainly drew out lovers and haters for this image!

Composition: Composition is ok but if anything it is a little bit centered. Your title refers to cigarettes so the clock is not going to be seen by many as an integral part of the image. What we see first is that big yellow rectangle on the billboard - right in the middle. Where to now our eyes say? Left to the rest of the billboard or right to the clock. Thats one of the problems with putting something in the middle of your shot.

Technicals: Lighting is both good and bad in this shot. There is a nice moody feel the way it is but it is not being used to draw attention to a particular element, rather it is just there, as it is. The image size also feels wrong - an almost panoramic style but we don't have a lot to see in most of the image.

My Feelings: OK, I wouldn't have voted quite so low as this ended up being but it was never going to score high in this challenge. Your thining was good behind the image but one of the "tricks" at DPC is to make sure your image fits within the "popular" definition of the challenge, otherwise you are going to get lots more of those "DNMC" comments and votes under 4.

PM if you have any questions.
waiting for lunch
03/05/2007 02:57:23 PM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by ArpeggioAngel:
Beautiful bird and I like the tree as background. He blends in pretty good!
waiting for lunch
03/02/2007 02:26:22 AM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by jblaylockrayner:
Lovely and sharp - Shame he blends into the background so much.
waiting for lunch
03/01/2007 08:19:46 PM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by BeckyT:
I love these birds. Very good shot of the bird but I think the tree distracts from the bird because they are so close in color. It would have been nicer if you had more sky behind the bird.
waiting for lunch
03/01/2007 07:30:17 PM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by AdiGri:
The tree in the background does not offer a good contrast. It would've been much nicer against a blue sky (a bit to the right?).
waiting for lunch
03/01/2007 03:56:07 PM
waiting for lunch
by rupypug

Comment by Ann:
Nice capture of a hawk, waiting and watching. The biggest difficulty is that the shot has a lot of contrast. The shadows are hard and dark, and the feathers on the hawk's chest are so bright they've lost detail. It looks like the capture was from the middle of the day, which is a hard time to shoot in the sun, because of exactly this problem. Maybe earlier or later, or wait for a cloudy day?
I Hate Cigarettes
02/27/2007 05:15:10 AM
I Hate Cigarettes
by rupypug

Comment by Alicja:
I Hate Cigarettes
02/26/2007 09:39:58 AM
harbor final.jpg
02/24/2007 09:31:26 PM
harbor final.jpg
by rupypug

Comment by kenskid:
Not a bad view! I would love to tackle this shot in HDR.
Showing 41 - 50 of ~84

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