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Comments Received by edwards
Showing 1 - 10 of ~10
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Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/10/2009 12:24:15 AM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by colorcarnival:
hey - you entered a challenge - congrats! I'm not a big fan of the angle either but it does force one to look around the photo. I think without the title, one may not really notice the mother and child - mostly because they blend in with the wall. I'm thinking the contrast does not help them stand out either. Why not a tighter crop to bring us in closer to what they are doing? :) Look forward to seeing more pics!
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/09/2009 01:55:33 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by glad2badad:
Why the extreme angle? The main subject (based on your title) is very dark and hard to see. Almost looks like the foreground rope is what we're supposed to be looking at.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/08/2009 03:27:56 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by vawendy:
very interesting shot, but the focus is on the the bricks and rope. The person is too small and dark to see if it is a mom and child, pregnant person, etc. If it were in a free study, I'd give it a 7. But I'm sorry, I can't score it high on friendship.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/05/2009 04:14:48 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by sonniejake:
If the title didn't tell me what to look for, I'm not sure I would of found them. Your subjects are a bit dark and blend in with the bg.
I appreciate pictures taken at an angle, and I commend you for the try - unfortunately I don't feel it did this picture any justice.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/04/2009 09:38:08 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by Citadel:
I can't see mum and her new baby I'm afraid. And this monitor is on the bright side.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/04/2009 08:17:01 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by Leo:
Image is too dark. Hard to see mum n baby. They blend in to the back ground. Mum n babe are too small, they get lost in the image. The extreme tilt doesn't help IMO. The processing looks overly done.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/04/2009 07:50:19 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by Hepci:
wholy diagonal batman!
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/04/2009 11:20:42 AM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by digitalphoto:
i love the camera angle. its really unique.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/03/2009 09:05:14 PM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by malski:
This is a really nice idea and neat angle, but the subject/s isn't visible enough
Photographer found comment helpful.
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
06/03/2009 08:17:31 AM
Mum and her new baby will be friends for life
by edwards

Comment by bmilne:
really like the composition, i just feel that it's too strong for the sbject
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~10

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