stand aloneby
muncungComment by kari1: ::: Critique Club :::
Hi, I am Kari and from the critique club.
Welcome to DPC and your first challenge.
First Impression - the most important one:
Lovely black and white picture, good patttern, and meets the challenge.
This is a well composed shot. The pinecone tip is well on vertical thirds, and the dark line behind is on horizontal thirds.
Nice choice of subject matter, well done on this.
Technical (Colour and light):
I found the actual pinecone a little underlit. Perhaps a slight adjustment to the way you lit the object may have created a little more depth. I think that perhaps a little bit of sharpening may also have helped to further distinguish those patterns for people.
Think about when to enter a black and white picture as well. I think sometimes that the natural colours of a shot actually add to the image rather than detract.
To grow its vote?:
To was a solid first entry. As you go on with the entries, think about the balance in the picture you are taking. With the rule of thirds continue to look at how you crop yuour entries.
One thing that may have counted against you was the size of your picture. Try to maximise your picture, so look at the longest side being 640. You may also have lost some detail in the save process down to a .jpg ... look at the optimisation options.
Well done, keep it up.
If you've got any questions about this critique, please feel free to contact me via the PM system.