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Comments Received by silentsweety
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20
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eight ball corner pocket
07/17/2006 12:26:45 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by shaundp:
too daaaaaark for me
eight ball corner pocket
07/16/2006 12:30:32 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by levyj413:
You have to know how dark this is, right? It's an interesting angle, and one that's been done before, including the highest-rated shot on the site. But this doesn't do it justice.
eight ball corner pocket
07/16/2006 04:21:03 AM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by Tiberius:
Too dark to understand what's going on.
eight ball corner pocket
07/15/2006 08:25:41 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by Car54:
good potential, ust a bit dark to truly appreciate it.
eight ball corner pocket
07/15/2006 09:45:28 AM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by mist:
On my screen this is almost totally dark. I have to vote it low because that's how I'm seeing it.
eight ball corner pocket
07/15/2006 12:10:19 AM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by BakerBug:
The lighting really hurts this picture. Increasing your apeture would have allowed more light in and helped add more depth of field to this shot.
eight ball corner pocket
07/14/2006 12:33:28 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by LalliSig:
Sorry but WAY too dark, blurry and small for me to give this a higher rating than 3. Only reason I am saying is because I make it a rule to at least say why I rate low when I do so.
eight ball corner pocket
07/14/2006 06:07:43 AM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by amber:
I thought I'd gone temporarily blind for a moment...why so dark?
eight ball corner pocket
07/13/2006 03:00:00 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by UrfaK:
Omg what did you do.. lovely shot and composition (from what I can make out) but baaaaaaaaaaad lighting...
This could have been doing so well if not for the light..Seriously this shot has great potential with just a little bit of photoshop
eight ball corner pocket
07/13/2006 12:45:10 PM
eight ball corner pocket
by silentsweety

Comment by Kemptonreporter:
WAAAAAYYY to dark.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~20

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