Pork Chop Thursdaysby
MidnightVoodooComment by _eug: Challenge
- Relevant to the Challenge? Yes
- Is subject unique (vs. unoriginal or rehashed)? Yes
- Good or Bad? How can it be fixed? Rule of thirds. Bring the chop/skillet/flame down in the image. If you hade to compose/crop something out above that try a large piece of black spray painted cardboard well behind the skillet.
- Is there anything missing? Show me more of the knife. It seems lost.
- Good use of Depth of Field? Yes. Nice out-of-focus background including the pork chop in the skillet.
- Good use of light? Yes.
- Good use of shadows? Yes
- Are there any overly dark shadows? I actually think it works for this photo. The skillet is dark, but you'd have lost the flames is you'd put more light there.
Aesthetics/Artistic Appeal:
- What is my reaction or feelings? LOSE THE DATE STAMP. You've probably gotten many comments on this already, but ultimately it's what destroys the quality of the image.