DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Comments Received by softerimage
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21
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Fall beauty
11/01/2006 03:16:29 AM
Fall beauty
by softerimage

Comment by Patmania:
Train meets car
08/15/2006 03:41:27 AM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by kelvinyam:
So dark.
Train meets car
08/15/2006 03:15:55 AM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by livitup:
This is a great idea and is VERY close to being a 10.

I think maybe a tigher crop, eliminating the back half of the car. I also don't like the way the car's headlight is totally blown out... there's some JPEG artifacting or other post processing problem there... maybe the whole shot is a smidge oversharpened? (you can see it in the rails in front of the train too). But I'll still give you a 9 for the idea and being in the right place at the right time. :)
Train meets car
08/13/2006 03:19:38 PM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by redmoon:
a longer exposure would have better lit the environment i think, though the train would be a bit of a blur. without adequate street or artificial lighting, it is damn nigh impossible to get a well illuminated shot. as it is, this shot suffers in that there is no real focal point immediately for attention, though taking it as one composite whole isn't easy either. the light haze from the train is really cool, and the capture of the lights is great in that it is lit up by the train. actually, this owuld be a whole lot better on the eye if the car wasn't in the shot. 3.
Train meets car
08/12/2006 09:14:36 AM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by EricMGB1974:
Nice atmosphere created here with excellent timing.
Train meets car
08/12/2006 09:04:44 AM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by nordicgirl:
Real mystery photo...need a bit closer look to understand whats going on. I like your idea is original and minimal lights make it interesting. Only remark that its bit tight cropped at the back of the car.
Train meets car
08/11/2006 10:55:39 PM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by EssAreDubya:
My favorite shot of the lot...it reminds me of an illustration depicting the viewing of Haley's comet in a children's astronomy book...without further explantion....a full and rare 10!
Train meets car
08/11/2006 09:53:33 AM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by Blackbox:
Whoa...to me, it would have been perfect if you just had the train in the photo.
Train meets car
08/09/2006 08:58:37 PM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by FocusPoint:
This is pretty cool photo. 8
Train meets car
08/09/2006 06:44:24 PM
Train meets car
by softerimage

Comment by ltlmschrisss:
imo a day shot would have been better.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~21

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