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Registered Userkc kong

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Comments Received by kc kong
Showing 1 - 6 of ~6
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Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/18/2006 01:00:19 AM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by kc kong:
Thank you to all who have so kindly taken the time to comment on this pic. I really appreciate your comments, especially so because this is my very first submission (and a last minute entry :)). I am encouraged by your helpful words of advice and will certainly be more active in future challenges.

Thank you once again.
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/17/2006 12:43:21 PM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by dallasdux:
I think this one would hav been better if the Have A Nice Day/Pay thing was more in focus and if the duck was turned just a bit more to the side hiding the hole in its beack and showing less of the molded seam.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/13/2006 09:19:59 AM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by CNovack:
While the ducky is in front and (off) center there is too many elements in the background that serve to distract the eye from the main focus. The background it too busy (stuff inside the message container, toothbrush, plant, towel, soap dispenser, faucet, another ducky, etc..). Sometimes simplifying the composition down to a few key elements goes a long way in creating a strong composition. The colors and patterns on this unique ducky are interesting to look at. The duck is your main subject so you want to keep the eye's attention focused primarily on it with just a few other elements to help boost interest. The title of your piece has the Ducky imparting the message of "Have a Nice Day". The title and the ceramic container with that message tells me that it was meant to be a supporting element in your composition. However you have it regulated as one of the background elements that it gets lost in the busy background. I think that it would improve the composition greatly if you moved the container with the message up alongside the duck. A solid color or simple backdrop with as few objects or elements as possible would help keep the attention tightly focused on your main subject(s). Lastly your lighting is very good in the photo. The main subject is wonderfully illuminated and the color is bright & bold. There are no harsh shadows, no off cast tinges that color the duck or surrounding with an off tint, and no hard glare on any reflective surfaces.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/11/2006 07:06:13 PM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by sdrawkcab:
The background is a little to busy (too many different colors) to be so out of focus
Photographer found comment helpful.
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/11/2006 12:30:18 PM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by pamelasue:
the background clutter is distracting to me ...
Photographer found comment helpful.
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
10/11/2006 11:54:05 AM
Have a Nice Day! says Duckie
by kc kong

Comment by Postgate1:
more DOF would be nice to bring the ( have a nice day ) into focus
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 6 of ~6

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