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Comments Received by archiva
Showing 11 - 20 of ~61
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going somewhere
10/11/2006 02:50:37 AM
going somewhere
by archiva

Comment by geekssweet:
Would have liked to see the ducks a bit more in focus. to soft imo
going somewhere
10/11/2006 12:25:37 AM
going somewhere
by archiva

Comment by Rompy:
Sorry, I see no rubber ducky, just the real ones! Pretty shot though.
08/01/2006 03:37:37 PM
by archiva

Comment by Neuferland:
Greetings from me!

Hi, I see you never received the critique you requested on your picture so here goes. ;)

I see a lot of the comments ask what this had to do with education and honestly I had to ask the same thing. So for the sake of the picture, I'm betting you got a lot of Does Not Meet The Challenge votes. Now if this had been for the footwear challenge, your score might have gone up quite a bit.

So I'm going just comment on the shot itself. Those look like very comfortable slippers, the way the backs are pushed down tell me they are used usually in a hurry and probably for only short periods of time. Judging from the floor their are on and the stains and markings I'm guessing mostly in the garage or outdoor patio area.

The picture has potential overall but a few things got to me right off. First all the negative space, it seems really top heavy and the darker cement is more a distraction than an asset to me personally. It could work for you if you came from a different angle, taking the corner of the dark area inside and either pinpointing it in the center top, using it like a type of shading or border. Then you could re-arrange the shoes in differnt patterns and play with the overall composition. Remember that things don't always have to be centered as long as they are still balanced to a point, the rule of thirds is a wonderful thing, you could set up a slipper up on the upper and lower part of that.

Don't be afraid to experiement and play with a shot when shooting it. It's amazing some of the stuff that will pop out at you when you least expect it. That's the best thing about digital is you can't waste film! :)

Your lighting also comes off just a bit dull, a slight levels or curves adjustment could fix that.

Again, the potential is there, looking at your profile, don't quit trying!

I hope my comments help and Good Luck in future Challenges!

The reflection
04/11/2006 09:34:05 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by Nobody:
Nice picture - very nice - but this is reflection, not refraction.
The reflection
04/11/2006 04:46:48 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by adrian45:
The trees bend as if refracted, but it is reflection, I think. I suspect the light of the sunset is refracted however, so you have capture two 'refractions' in the one image - well done

I Love the image though - we have just that light in Shropshire, here in England. It takes me back 50 years to childhood summer dusk at the local lake

Good luck with your image
The reflection
04/11/2006 04:14:26 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by skylen:
reflection? Supposed to be Refraction of Light.
The reflection
04/11/2006 03:38:32 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by GeckoZ:
The theme's refraction.
The reflection
04/11/2006 01:38:07 AM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by ralfw:
Sorry, but I was looking for examples of refraction, not reflection. Very pleasing image though.
The reflection
04/05/2006 10:48:06 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by philup:
WOW..this is a great picture!
The reflection
04/05/2006 07:01:52 PM
The reflection
by archiva

Comment by Alain:
As you mentinned, this is reflection... not refraction
Showing 11 - 20 of ~61

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