desmckechnieComment by Azrifel: ~~~~Critique Club Comment~~~~
Composition (content)
Nice off-center subject placement, good enough angle. Good choice of black and white.
The two main problems are the soft aut of focus look and the fact that it has a low wow-factor, a better background or something else like a throwing cup could make the photo more interesting. The background looks like a plastic and has skin-like texture. Fabric like they use in casino's gives a much softer/natural and consistent background for example.
The (very) soft focus is caused by several things I think:
a) There seems to be a little bit of motion blur, closeups in low light situations really benefit from using a tripod or another stable platform.
b) I think that this camera cannot focus from close distance. I checked the Jenoptik website and the only reference to this camera I found was the JD C 1300. That one has a focus range of 40cm to infinity. That means that it cannot get the subject in focus when you are closer to it then 40cm. The above looks like 25-5cm to me. I think that for your camera the same rule applies.
Using you Nikon 775 in Macro mode on a Tripod would have yielded an excellent focus.
Lighting is nice, the most light seems to come from above from several light sources.
Camera Work (Technical)
See Composition.
Digital Processing (technical)
Nice B&W.
Your picture is about 95kb out of 150kb allowed. Saving it at a higher jpeg quality (less compression) can avoid edge softness, keep detail sharpness and avoid color/tone degradations. It isn't important here because of the soft focus, but something to keep in mind for the future.
My opinion
Not very interesting and bad focus. Composition ok.