Well hello there rainbow sprinkles... have you met my tummy?by
O'HolleranComment by Skip: This is a tough challenge to vote. I'm torn between "what are
you trying to do here" and "what do
I expect here". Further complicating matters is the question "what would I do here".
What I would expect would be a technically strong piece of eye-candy that would present the dessert in a way that I would want to at least sample it, if not order it. Along these lines I'm looking at technicals: backgrounds, distracting elements, exposure, sharpness. I'm also looking for creativity, imagination, and originality, which can make up for less than perfect technicals.
So, where does this leave me with your image?
Nice idea, but needs some work. It's could use a little sharpening. I don't mind the over-exposure, but would like to have seen more color in the whiter areas near the back. Also, the way you framed this up, the division between the two rows of cupcakes acts as a divider; if you had shot a little from the left, that line would have run diagonally, leading the eye through the image.