Ocean Of Dreamsby
kellijaneComment by sfalice: Greetings from the Critique Club
This is my day for finding new contributors to DPC! I love it when that happens. Welcome aboard.
Of course you have an adorable photo here, but you didn't score well. Not to worry, you will when you figure out the resizing stuff and get to know your camera a bit better.
Now, composition: Your little guy is smack in the middle of the frame. I wonder what he'd have looked like off to one side with the great expanse of ocean,say, all to the right. Or even if you could have been closer and caught a bit of his profile as he gazed toward the water. It's often a good idea to catch the expression of the dreamer if you can. On the plus side, you do have a nice straight horizon and your lights and darks are pretty good. I expect a little more experience with your photo editing program (Photoshop?) will give you more contrast and good colors.
Please try to understand your settings, and report them in the appropriate boxes. The Aperture, ISO and Shutter speeds all tell you (and your critiquer) what is going on in your photograph, and these are the numbers that help us all learn this craft of photography. It's not hard, really.
Okay, I'm in danger of getting wordy here, so will close this critique, with the note that if you need help in learning how to resize your images, PM me and I'll try to give you some hints. And there is a tutorial here at DPC that tells you all about it.
Take care, and good luck in future Challenges.