A Momentary Existenceby
LongComment by LucidLotus: Hm.. this certainly meets the challenge but I'm afraid that is all it has going for it at the moment. Clearly the bubble is meant to be the focus of the image and I think this could be a great idea if a few things were changed:
Background: Rumpled and grey and doesn't do much for the image. I would recommend a black for this type of photograph.
Focus: is GREAT.. unfortunately.. its on the wrong thing - the background. The focus should be centered on the bubble and thus let the background fuzz away, this I can see is difficult due to the nature of bubbles, cameras tend to have a problem finding them to center on.
Lighting: The lighting is actually pretty good, if there was a way to center it more spotlight-esque only on the bubble, that *might* give the camera more help in focusing there too. I can't be sure though. Still your use of light was good.
Composition: Here's a biggie. Right now you simply have a bubble with nothing too exciting going on. This CAN work, but the other elements of the image (background, focus, etc) are working against you and so the simplistic approach didn't really fly. I do like the idea behind the image immensely, I can envision a simple, classicly beautiful perfectly rounded glowing bubble suspended against a black background of some sort.. simple and lovely. So the idea and intent is there, it just didn't manifest itself this time around and led to a fairly dull image.
You have a good eye and vision, just need to work on the technique a bit to bring those up to match. I gave a 3.